
Play Phom Offline – The Hottest Offline Card Game Playground in 2024

Play phom offline is a form of playing card games to exchange prizes but does not require an internet connection. The way to participate is similar to the online form, very simple and easy to win big. Together New88 Discover details about the rules of the game as well as strategies to conquer this masterpiece.

What is offline phom super product?

Super product phom is also known by many other names depending on the region such as: tu lo kho, ta la. This is a familiar game and the rules are relatively simple. Each member receives 9 cards and then combine them into valuable links. At the same time, you have to push the trash cards away and try to eat your opponent’s cards to create phom.

Instructions on how to play phom offline most accurately

In general, the way to play offline phom is similar to playing online. The following reputable bookmakerPlease share the most accurate way to play this masterpiece offline.

Some common names in the card game Phom

To be able to do itplay Phom offline Always sure to win, gamers first need to understand each common name in the game. Here are some terms you should refer to:

  • Phom: Is connecting 3 consecutive cards of the same suit or of the same value.
  • Junk cards: These are cards that cannot be matched with any link. Or more realistically, there is no stick to pair with them, so the user will have to try to push them away.
  • Stacks: These are cards that are left over after being dealt and are placed in the middle of the betting table for members to gradually withdraw during the match.
  • Mom: At the end of the game, all the cards have been drawn but you still don’t have any phom in your hand.
  • ù: This is the highest winning case in the game, when you own 9 cards in your hand, you will create 3 phom.
  • Taking the pawn: In the final round, the previous player is beaten out by the next player.
  • Village temple: In the last round, if you play a pawn and get captured by the next person, you will have to pay the whole village.
  • Re: When you play a trash card, the next person who wins it will change the position of the cards and will have the right to re-draw the card.
  • Send: If the previous person plays a card but you have a card in your hand that can be combined into a phom for that person. Then they will have the right to submit articles to reduce your score.

Scoring rules in offline phom playing

Overall how to calculate points in the game play phom offline very simple and easy to remember. Accordingly, it is stipulated as follows:

  • Cards from 2 to 10 will have points equal to the card value.
  • Piece A is counted as 1 point.
  • Pieces J, Q, K are assigned points equal to 11, 12, 13 respectively.

If there is no buzzing member in the betting game, the cards are lowered and points are calculated directly. Whoever has the lowest score wins the bet. In case two people have the same score, whoever puts down their cards first will win.
See : Casino New88

Rules for playing phom offline

Next we will introduce the law play phom offline Details are as follows:

  • Each bet will have from 2 to 4 people participating in the game. Before the match begins, each member will be dealt 9 cards, with the first player receiving 10 cards. The round will be played counterclockwise, with the first person playing a trash card. The second person has the right to play or not to play depending on the hand you own.
  • In case of eating, if you already have crab and can eat it to assemble into phom.
  • In case the player does not win, the player will draw the venom card and pass the trash card to the next person.
  • Just like that until a member buzzes, the bet ends. If all the cards are drawn and no one busts, the phom will be lowered to compare scores. The member with the lowest score will win.

Offline poker tips for beginners

In addition to understanding the rules of the game, to increase your winning rate, you need to learn some of the following playing tips:

Learn how to remember the cards you play

You should learn how to memorize the cards that have been played, this is a really effective strategy and is applied by many players. From this memorization, you will understand which lines should be kept or pushed away. Also this strategy will help you understand clearly how play phom offline of opponents. From there, you can figure out your own way to play to win.

Avoid getting caught

Getting caught is a big failure in playing offline phom, which will cost you a lot of capital. Therefore, with veteran players, they will let their opponents take cards in the first turns, rather than being caught. Or sometimes you also need to play tactics to fight.


Way play phom offlineExtremely simple and easy to participate. Hopefully, the article below from a reputable house brand will help bettors understand more details about the game. From there, you will equip yourself with experience and tactics to increase your winning rate.

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